FRESH oil moments

Resting Place is Revival Center and House of Prayer with one focus: to  build a resting place for God where incense rises day and night.   We are made up of a collective of worship leaders, singers, and musicians from across the greater New York City region who bring their giftings together for the greater Kingdom good of building a regional altar for the presence of God. 

Every week we gather together in worship and prayer never knowing what to expect.  These Fresh oil moments (samples below) are captured live in the midst of these settings and our heart is for you to experience them as if you were in the room with us when they happened, so that you can worship and pray along with the RP community in your personal time. 

By becoming a Fresh Oil subscriber (for the price of a latte), you will get access to a monthly album of the most powerful moments that happen at Resting Place.  These moments can be stored, accessed, and listened to without limit on the members portion of this website.  In addition, each moment is downloadable for those who wish to import them onto other devices/itunes/etc.  Most importantly, your subscription will go towards directly supporting the ministry work of Resting Place. 

The world is on the cusp of the greatest worship revolution that has ever happened.   Join us on the journey! 

For the Lamb, 

Ryan Delling 
Worship Director, Resting Place HOP

Sample Moments